The Workshop was held the Holiday center Huhmari, North Karelia, Finland, from 3 August to 9 August, 2008. The workshop consisted of invited lectures, oral and poster presentations on nanocarbon materials that was distributed in four major modules:
- Optical Spectroscopy
- Electronic Properties
- Nonlinear Optics
- Electron Emission
Invited Speakers:
- Dr. Brigitte Attal-Tretout (ONERA, Palaiseau, France)
- Prof. Werner Blau (Trinity College, Ireland)
- Dr. Andrea Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Prof. Shinji Hayashi (Kobe University, Japan)
- Prof. Esko Kauppinen (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
- Prof. Philippe Lambin (University of Namur, Belgium)
- Prof. Serge Lefrant (Institut des Materiaux Jean Rouxel, Nantes, France)
- Dr. Annick Loiseau (ONERA, Chatillion, France)
- Prof. Sergey Maksimenko (Belarus State University, Belarus)
- Prof. Robert J. Nemanich (Arizona State University, USA)
- Prof. Alexander Obraztsov (University of Joensuu, Finland)
- Dr. Elena D. Obraztsova (A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russia)
- Prof. Christian Thomsen (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)